The FUE technique, in contrast to other hair transplant techniques, significantly contributes towards high graft viability (over 95%), while with this method, the implants last for a lifetime. We can transplant over 3000 grafts (about 7000 hairs) in just one session, thus achieving the maximum possible density.




The follicular unit grafts are extracted directly from the scalp, one follicular at a time, and implanted without being processed. This technique is performed by either Dermatologists or Plastic Surgeons and not by practitioners, nurses or technicians.




Hair loss is a problem for both genders as it affects their psychology and their appearance. However, this new hair transplant method provides permanent results, without any pain or scars. This safe technique offers a 100% natural-looking result, in one single session.


«There is no "magic" solution to hair loss problem»




Our primary goal is to fully satisfy our customers. As soon as we do this, they give us the most amazing feedback and we couldn’t be more happy about it.

Constantinos Avraamides
” I cannot stress enough the fact that i am more than happy with the clinic, the professionalism of the clinic and the doctor Konstantinos Dionysiou himself. After a year and something since the day of my implantation i believe that is the best choice i made to trust Medart Clinic and no other here in Cyprus or in Greece. Thank you. “
Constantinos AvraamidesCustomer
Fotis Karvounis
My whole life changed due to the fact that my self-confidence immediately raised. A big thank you to medartclinic and particularly to Dr. Constantinos Dionysiou for the incredible results!!
Fotis KarvounisCustomer
Maybe one of the best choices I made in my life. This painless procedure changed totally my confidence and and I couldn’t be happier. Highly recommended clinic with experienced and super helpful staff and polite staff.



Comparing to a photo, words sometimes can not clearly describe a result. Therefore here is a selection of real examples of our work.




Η Μόνιμη λύση

Η Μεταμόσχευση Μαλλιών με τη μέθοδο FUE από τη medartclinic, προσφέρει μόνιμα αποτελέσματα. Πάνω από το 50% των αντρών θα έχει σε κάποιο βαθμό τριχόπτωση-φαλάκρα [...]
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Καταρρίπτοντας Μύθους.

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